
2 ian. 2011

Prima mea piftie (Turkey aspic)

Scroll down for English version

De multe ori in viata trebuie sa faci lucruri care nu-ti plac. Cand insa le faci pentru persoane la care tii, ele nu mai sunt chiar asa de grele. Eu, recunosc, nu suport mancarurile gelatinoase. De aceea nu am mai facut aspic pana acum. Sotul meu, insa, adora piftia. Pana acum isi ostoia pofta prin vecini (adica ii facea mama). Anul acesta, insa, m-am hotarat sa-i fac o surpriza. Aceasta e prima mea piftie.

Inainte de a o face m-am documentat bine. si, dupa spusele celor care au mancat-o a iesit foarte buna.

  • 1 aripa mare de curcan
  • 1 picior de porc (numai partea de jos)
  • 2 cepe
  • 4-5 boabe de piper
  • 1 foaie de dafin
  • 5 l de apa
  • 1 capatana de usturoi
  • sare dupa gust

  • Ce am invatat eu: sa nu o faci in graba. Eu am facut-o in doua zile. 
  • Spala carnea si pune-o in apa, cu ceapa, piperul si foaia de dafin.
  • Da focul tare pana ce apa da un clocot. Da focul mic.Scoate foarte bine spuma. De fapt asta e un lucru esential daca vrei ca piftia sa arate frumos. scoate spuma ori de cate ori e nevoie.
  • Lasa sa fiarba usor, la foc foarte mic, acoperita, pentru cateva ore (3-4). Zeama trebuie sa scada cam la jumatate. 
  • Lasa la racit pana a doua zi, cand e bine sa degresezi supa (cu ajutorul unei linguri ia toata grasimea care se formeaza la suprafata). Asa poti vedea si daca e destul de inchegata. (Daca nu e, trebuie s-o mai lasi la fiert).
  • Incalzeste din nou supa.
  • In timpul acesta curata si zdrobeste usturoiul. 
  • Scoate carnea din supa. Dezoseaz-o. Pune carnea in doua castroane.
  • In supa fierbinte pune usturoiu zdrobit (se face un  fel de infuzie de usturoi) si sare dupa gust si lasa cam 30 minute.
  • Intr-o strecuratoare pune tifon indoit in mai multe (3-4). Strecoara supa si pune-o in castroane peste carne. Poti pune si bucati de morcov fiert pentru decor. De asemenea poti pune si putin usturoi zdrobit.
  • Lasa castroanele la rece pana a doua zi.

English version

Many times in life you have to do things that you do not like. But when you do for people you care about, they are no longer quite so heavy. I admit, I don't like gelatin dishes. That's why I have not made aspic before. My husband, however, loves jelly. So far he ate them from my mother. This year, however, I decided to make him a surprise. This is my first aspic.

* 1 large turkey wing
* 1 pork leg (bottom only)
* 2 onions
* 4-5 peppercorns
* 1 bay leaf
* 5 l of water
* 1 loaf garlic
* Salt to taste

* What I learned: do not rush. I did it in two days.
* Wash meat and place it in water with onion, pepper and bay leaf.
* Put it over high heat until it starts to boil, than only simmer it. Remove the foam. In fact this is essential if you want to look beautiful jelly. foam out whenever needed.
* Let it simmer slowly, on very low heat, covered, for several hours (3-4). Broth should be decreased about half.
* Let it cool until the next day, when degrease the soup (with a spoon remove all the fat that forms on the surface). So you can see and if it is quite hard. (If not, you must leave it more to a boil).
* Heat the soup again.
* During this clean and crush the garlic.
* Remove meat from broth. Debone it. Put the meat into two bowls.
* In hot soup put crushed garlic (it is a kind of infusion of garlic) and salt to taste and leave about 30 minutes.
* In a colander place gauze folded several (3-4). Strain soup into bowls and put it over the meat. You can put pieces of carrot  for decoration. You can also add a little crushed garlic.
* Leave the bowls until the next day in a cold place.

3 comentarii:

  1. Un An Nou mai bun cu sanatatea si bucurii!

  2. Multumesc, Dada. Si tie un an nou cu fericire.

  3. A iesit foarte fain Brandusa - in copilarie si in tinerete nu puteam sa o sufar, insa cam de acu cativa ani am inceput sa o apreciez, stii si tu, gustul se educa si se schimba in viata...

    P.S. Im place sa pun jumatati de ou fiert in ea si frunze verzi de patrunjel, pentru culoare si pentru cei ce nu vor sa manance carnea


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