Scroll down for English recipe
Confit-ul e o metoda de a conserva carnea bine cunoscuta si la noi. In acelasi mod punea bunica carnea de porc, in untura si o pastra pana vara intr-o oala mare (ii zicea garnitza) sau chiar in borcane de sticla. La francezi lucrul asta se face din rata (de, fiecare cu porcul lui).
Se pot face cantitati mari, daca ai multe rate, dar eu am facut doar de incercare. Reteta se intinde pe doua zile.
Acest confit e parte a unei retete mai mari si foarte gustoase (Cassoulet) pe care am pregatit-o pentru provocarea lunii ianuarie la Daring Cooks.
- 2 pulpe de rata
- 3-4 linguri de sare mare
- 500 ml grasime de rata (eu nu am gasit si am pus ulei de masline)
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 crenguta de rozmarin
- 1 crenguta de cimbru
Cum se face
- Prima zi: Presara pulpele de rata bine de tot cu sare, pe toate partile. Pune-le intr-o tava, acopera-le si lasa-le la frigider pana a doua zi (intre 24 si 72 ore)
- A doua zi: Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C (mediu). Sterge bine pulpele de sare si pune-le intr-o tava pentru cuptor. Pe ele pune usturoiul, rozmarinul si cimbrul. Toarna uleiul deasupra, ca sa le acopere
- Acopera tava cu folie de aluminiu si pun-o in cuptor pentru 2-3 ore, sau pana ce carnea este foarte moale.
- Lasa la racit si mananca-le asa, sau pune-le in frigider pana la 3 luni.
English version
Confit is a method to preserve meat well known in Romania. In the same way grandma put pork in lard and keep until summer in a large pot (called garnitza) or in glass jars. In France they use duck.
You can make big amounts if you have several ducks, but I've only done test. Recipe spreads over two days.
The confit is part of a larger and very tasty recipe (Cassoulet) which I prepared for the Daring Cooks' January challenge.
* 2 duck legs
* 3-4 tablespoons sea salt
* 500 ml duck fat (I have not found and put olive oil)
* 2 cloves garlic
* 1 sprig of rosemary
* 1 sprig of thyme
How To
* First day: Sprinkle all over duck legs with salt on all sides. Put them in a pan, cover them and leave them in the refrigerator until the next day (between 24 and 72 hours)
* The next day: Preheat oven to 190 C (average). With a paper towel remove salt from the meat and put it in a baking pan. On them put garlic, rosemary and thyme. Pour oil on top, to cover
* Cover the pan with aluminum foil and put it in the oven for 2-3 hours or until meat is very soft.
* Let it cool and just eat them or put them in the refrigerator up to 3 months.
Marvelous!!! Thanks for the great instructions :)
RăspundețiȘtergereYou did a fantastic job with the confit. The Cassoulet itself is such a time consuming but worthwhile dish. Congratulations for taking it on!