
20 iul. 2010

De suflet: Flori si un premiu fara reguli (For your soul: Flowers and an award with no rules)

Scroll down for English recipe

These beautiful flowers come from my garden. I hope that they will lighten your day. To zoom, just click on the picture. 
The second subject of my post is to thank to Lisa, a foodie friend from USA. I received from her a Sunshine Award. Thanks Lisa. 

Am asa niste flori frumoase anul acesta in gradina, ca nu m-am putut abtine sa nu le pozez.  Le postez si poate sa insenineze ziua cuiva. Ca sa le vedeti mai bine, marite, dati click pe fiecare.
 In al doilea rand, vreau sa- multumesc Lisei, care mi-a trimis un premiu virtual tocmai din USA.

Premiul asta, ca toate celelalte, vine cu niste reguli. Mie, insa, nu-mi plac regulile. O sa le scriu, dar nu trebuie sa va tineti de. Mie mi-a facut placere sa ofer premiul tuturor celor din lista. Acesta e felul meu de a va multumi ca puneti atata pasiune in ceea ce scrieti si pozati. Si sa stiti ca va urmaresc, chiar daca nu comentez. Cateodata 24 de ore nu sunt de ajuns pentru tot ce am de facut intr-o zi. Va imbratisez si sa aveti o saptamana cat mai frumoasa. Mai jos e lista mea cu nominalizari :), intr-o ordine aleatoare.

  1. Postati premiul pe blog 
  2. Trimiteti premiul altor 12 bloggeri
  3. In post puneti link catre nominalizati
  4. Printr-un comentariu pe blogul lor anuntati-i ca au primt premiul
  5. Pune un link catre persoana de la care ai primit premiul

In receiving this award, there are rules that one must follow. I will write them, but I don't know if everybody will have time to follow. It is OK. I just want everybody to know that I appreciate your blogs, even if I don't always comment. You have wonderful recipes and you are true inspiration for me.

1. Put the award on your blog and or/within your post.
2. Pass the award onto twelve bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received the award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link the person from whom you received the award.
The list of my nominees is (in no particular order)
  1. Chef Dennis from More Than A Mount Full
  2. Frank from Memorie di Angelina
  3. Ivy from Kopiaste
  4. Abraham from Chacko's Kitchen
  5. Elena de la Bucataria Elenei
  6. Miha, de la Dulciuri fel de fel
  7. Laura de la Cuina Banateana
  8. Judy de la De toate
  9. Giovanna de la Giovanna's Cake
  10. Yafa de la Cuisine et plaisir
  11. Boscodina de la Furnicuta Boscodina

4 comentarii:

  1. Brandusa, iti multumesc frumos pentru aceste flori grozave din gradina! Si pentru ca acei condurasi mi-au adus aminte de copilarie. Multumesc si pentru premiul inflorit pe care mi l-ai oferit si mie! Il primesc cu mare placere, si-l oferi la randul meu altora, ca sa le inseninez ziua. Te pup.

  2. Congratulations on receiving the sunshine is my favorite!! Being able to brighten someones day is a wonderful thing!!
    And thank you so much for thinking of me with this award! I am truly honored.....receiving awards from my peers and friends are better than any other awards I have ever received!
    Your flowers are beautiful too!! thanks so much for sharing them

  3. Thank you very much for passing from my blog and for the lovely award. I am greatly honoured.

  4. Multumesc tare mult pentru premii si ca te-ai gandit la mine :)
    casa nu am renovat-o dar un perete aranjat, tocmai bun de pus o noua etajera pentru premii. o zi superba si numai bine!


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