Cand am vazut prima oara reteta asta,(in italiana suna asa: Pollo alla Parmigiana) pe siteul rouxbe m-am gandit ca cel care a scris titlul fie a gresit, fie nu stie ca se zice parmigiano si nu parmigiana! Bine ca nu am gandit cu voce tare si nu era nimeni prin preajma, ca ma faceam de ras.
Dupa cum am citit eu mai apoi, Parmigiana e un fel de mancare ce provine din sudul Italiei si care initial era facuta din felii de vanata si branza, cu sos de rosii, totul copt la cuptor. Adica ce a gasit taranul italian prin preajma casei.
Cum a devenit vestita reteta asta, cum a inceput lumea sa se certe pe originea ei. Cei din nord spun ca se numeste asa de la faptul ca se foloseste parmezan (parmigiano). Cei din sud (carora mie imi vine sa le dau dreptate) spun ca de fapt vinetele au fost introduse prima oara in sudul Italiei, asa ca e mai logic ca o mancare cu vinete sa apara acolo. Pe mine putin ma intreseaza cearta asta. Important e ca Pollo alla Parmigiana, un derivat al retetei originale, are tot ce e mai bun in bucataria italiana
Ingrediente pentru 4 persoane
- 2 piepti de pui
- 5 linguri de pesmet cu mirodenii (reteta mai jos)
- 3 linguri faina
- 2 oua
- sare, piper dupa gust
- sos de rosii italian
- ulei pentru prajit
- 100 g mozzarella sau parmezan
- spaghetti pentru 4 persoane, fierte in apa cu sare
2. Prepara pesmetul cu mirodenii. Amesteca 4 linguri de pesmet cu cate o lingurita de busuioc, maghiran, oregano, usturoi uscate. Pune si 2 linguri de parmezan proaspat ras. Amesteca bine.
3. Bate ouale intr-un castronel. Pune faina pe o farfurie. Pune 1/2 din pesmet pe alta farfurie.
4. Da carnea prin faina. Scutura excesul. Pune carnea apoi in ou si in pesmet. Acopera bine cu pesmet pe toate partile. Fa la fel pana se termina toata carnea.
5. Incalzeste bine uleiul intr-o tigaie si prajeste bucatile de carne pe ambele parti, pana devin aurii. Nu trebuie sa fie complet facute. Scoate-le pe hartie absorbanta.
When I first saw this recipe on rouxbe site, I thought that someone wrote in a wrong way the word Parmigiano. Thanks God that I didn't think loud and nobody was near me! I was the wrong one. After I Google it, I found out that Parmigiana is an italian dish, based on slices of aubergine and cheese, with tomato sauce.
When this recipe became famous, they started to argue. The northern Italians said that it originates there, because in the recipe parmigiano is used. The southern said that the eggplants first came in Italy in their region, so its normal that the recipe originates there. In my opinion, they are right. But, to tell you the truth, I don't care who is right. Important is that Pollo Alla Parmigiana is such a wonderful dish.
Ingredients for 4
- 2 chicken breasts, debone
- 5 tablespoons breadcrumb with spices (recipe follows)
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- 2 eggs
- salt, pepper to taste
- italian tomato sauce
- oil, for frying
- 200 g parmigiano or mozzarella
- spaghetti for 4, boiled in water with salt
2. Prepare the breadcrumbs with spices. For this mix 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs with 1 tablespoon of each: oregano. marjoram, basil, dry garlic. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly grated parmigiano and mix well.
3. Whisk the eggs. Put the flour on a plate. Put
1/2 of breadcrumbs on other plate.
Pass each piece of meat through flour, eggs, breadcrumbs (in this
5. Heat the oil and fry
all pieces of meat 2 minute on each side. They must be 3/4 done.
6. Heat the tomato sauce and pour it in a tray.
Place the meat on top and sprinkle the grated parmigiano. Cook it in
oven until the cheese melts.
over spaghetti, with lettuce salad.
Wow, what a gorgeous dish. I love your version and think I'll give it a try. Thanks!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis is a family favorite around our house with my kids.
RăspundețiȘtergereBeautiful dish!