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Pentru ziua de nastere a sotului meu a trebuit sa fac un tort care sa poata fi transportat mai mult de 300 km si sa arate impecabil in final. Prin urmare crema cu unt sau frisca ieseau din calcul. Dupa lungi framantari am hotarat sa fac crema ganache cu multa ciocolata. S-a comportat foarte bine. Pacat ca pozele cu tortul la inceput s-au pierdut, ca sa vedeti ca nici nu se cunostea ca tortuletul a calatorit atata pe soselele pline de gropi ale tarii. Tot ce mai am sunt ceva poze facute la ultimul sfert de tort, cat a mai ramas a doua a zi.
Pentru blaturi
- 600 g faina
- 500 g zahar tos
- 350 g unt moale, taiat cubulete
- 1 1/2 lingurite praf de copt
- 6 oua
- 500 ml lapte
- un praf de sare
- 300 g ciocolata amaruie 75% cacao
- 400 g smantana grasa
- 100 g unt
- 3 linguri zahar vanilat facut in casa
- 100 g ciocolata amaruie
- 70 g smantana grasa
Din aluat se fac 12 blaturi. Ca sa nu muncesc prea mult, eu am cumparat tavi rotunde de unica folosinta, din aluminiu. Se pune cam 3/4 de cana de aluat pentru fiecare blat. Stratul trebuie sa fie foarte subtire, altfel nu va ajunge compozitia pentru 12 foi. Eu am copt cate 2 blaturi deodata, in cuptorul electric, cu ventilator, la 180 C. In maxim 10 minute sunt gata.
Tavile se ung bine cu unt si se tapeteaza cu faina. Untul se bate cu zaharul la viteza mare, cam 3 minute, pana se face o crema alba. Bate ouale in crema, unul cate unul.
Cerne faina cu praful de copt si sarea. Pune 1/3 in crema si amesteca. Pune , amestecand dupa fiecare adaugare, 1/2 din lapte, 1/3 de faina, 1/2 de lapte si ultima faina. Adauga vanilia.
Coace blaturile in cuptorul preincalzit, la 180 C. Ai grija ca daca le lasi prea mult in cuptor se ard usor, fiind foarte subtiri.
Raceste blaturile pe gratare.
Dupa ce ai facut toate blaturile si acestea s-au racit, e timpul pentru crema.
Taie marunt 300 g de ciocolata. Pune smantana pe foc mic si amestecand incontinuu asteapta pana ce da un clocot. Gusta din ea si verifica daca e fierbinte. Daca nu, mai amesteca in smantana si mai pune-o putin la incalzit. In final smantana nu trebuie sa fi fiert, dar sa fie destul de fierbinte ca sa topeasca ciocolata. Toarn-o peste ciocolata si amesteca bine ca sa se topeasca toata. Pune si untul si omogenizeaza. Pune cam o lingura de crema intre blaturi, ca sa-ti ajunga.
Glazura se face la fel ca si crema, numai ca va fi putin mai groasa. Unge tortul peste tot cu ea. Orneaza cu alune sfaramate.
For my husband's birthday I had to make a cake that can be transported more than 300 km and finally to look perfectly. Therefore butter cream or whipped cream came out of the calculation. After long turmoil I decided to make a chocolate ganache cream. It was a wise decision. Too bad the cake pictures were lost. All I have are some pictures taken with the leftovers of the cake.
For 12 layers
* 600 g flour
* 500 g granulated sugar
* 350 g soft butter, cut into cubes
* 1 1 / 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 6 eggs
* 500 ml milk
* A pinch of saltFor the cream (ganache)
* 300 g dark chocolate 75% cocoa
* 400 g heavy cream
* 100 g butter
* 3 tablespoons homemade vanilla sugarFor frosting
* 100 g dark chocolate
* 70 g fat sour creamCrushed nuts for decoration
For the layers, in order not to work too much, I bought disposable round trays. Place about 3 / 4 cup of batter in each tray. The layer must be thin, otherwise the composition will not be enough for 12 sheets. I baked each two layers at once in electric oven with fan, at 180 C. Within 10 minutes they are ready.
1. Grease the trays with butter and coat with flour.
2. Beat the butter
with sugar at high speed, about 3 minutes, until mixture is a white.
3. Beat eggs in cream, one by one.4. Sieve
flour with baking powder and salt. Put 1 / 3 in the
cream and mix.
5. Add, stirring after each addition, half of milk, 1 / 3
of flour, half the milk and flour last. Add vanilla.6. Bake the layers in the
preheated oven, at 180 C. Make sure you don't overcook them, being very thin.
7. Cool them on racks. After you've done all tops and they were cool, it's time
for the cream.8. Finely chop 300 g of
chocolate. Put cream on low heat and stirring constantly wait until it starts to
boil. Taste and check if it's hot. If not, mix in the cream and leave it a bit more. Finally the cream
should not be boiled, but should be hot enough to melt chocolate. Pour it over chocolate and mix well to melt it well. Put the butter
and mix.
9. Put about a tablespoon of cream between
the tops, and mount the cake.10. Make the icing is like
cream, but it will be slightly thicker. Spread the icing over the cake.
11. Decorate with crushed peanuts.
this looks yummy, want to have a bite
RăspundețiȘtergereyhanks, I give you a big slice :)
RăspundețiȘtergereBuna ideea cu tavile de unica folosinta! :-)
RăspundețiȘtergereCred ca este o minunatie de tort!
:) cam asa e