
29 apr. 2010

Tort cu mousse de capsuni si glazura de ciocolata (Strawberry mousse Cake with Chocolate glaze)

Scroll down for English recipe

Am realizat tortul asta ca un cadou de ziua nepoatei mele care, gravida fiind, a vrut un desert usor si racoritor.

Mousse de capsuni
  • 300 g capsuni
  • 5 linguri zahar pudra
  • 400 g smanatana facuta frisca
  • 1 pachet gelatina, inmuiata in 5 linguri lapte
  • cateva capsuni pentru decor

Blatul alb
  • 2 oua, separate
  • 30 g zahar
  • 50 g faina
  • 20 g amidon
  • 1 lingura unt topit si racit
  • 1/2 lingurita praf de copt
  • esenta de lamaie
Blat negru
  • 2 oua, separate
  • 30 g zahar
  • 25 g faina
  • 20 g amidon
  • 25 g cacao
  • 1 lingura unt topit si racit
  • 1/2 lingurita praf de copt
  • esenta de vanilie

Glazura de ciocolata
  • 100 g ciocolata amaruie
  • 2 linguri smatana dulce

Blaturile se fac la fel si se coc in forma rotunda detasabila.
Bate albusurile spuma tare.
Galbenusurile se bat cu zaharul pana ce ajung albe. Adauga esenta si uleiul. Amesteca. Adauga faina, amidonul si praful de copt (si cacaoa pentru blatul negru) si mixeaza. Cu o paleta incorporeaza usor albusurile.
Baza formei rotunde se acopera cu foaie de copt unsa cu unt. Coace la 180 C cam 10 minute (fa testul cu scobitoarea). Blaturile ies subtiri.
Blaturile se scot din forme si se racesc pe gratar.
Pentru mousse mixeaza capsunile cu un blender vertical. Da pasta printr-o sita groasa, ca sa nu mai fie seminte. Incalzeste putin sucul de capsuni cu zaharul, ca sa se topeasca. Ia de pe foc, adauga gelatina si incorporeaz-o. Lasa la racit si adauga frisca. Pune la frigider pana se intareste, dar mai poate fi intinsa.
Tortul se monteaza in forma in care ai copt blaturile. Pentru asta unge mai intai forma cu unt. Pune blatul negru in forma. Pune felii de capsuni in picioare, de jur imprejur. Toarna moussul si niveleaza. Pune blatul alb deasupra. Da la frigider pentru 24 ore.
A doua zi scoate tortul din forma cu blatul negru ca baza.
Topeste ciocolata cu smanatana la baia de aburi. Amesteca sa se omogenizeze. Lasa la racit. Glazureaza tortul.
Orneaza cu cateva capsuni.


This was a gift for my niece' s birthday. Being pregnant, she wanted a soft, fruity cake.

Strawberry Mousse

* 300 g strawberries
* 5 tablespoons powdered sugar
* 400 g double cream, whisked
* 1 packet gelatin, soaked in 5 tablespoons milk
* A few strawberries to decorate

White layer
* 2 eggs, separated
* 30 g sugar
* 50 g flour
* 20 g starch
* 1 tablespoon butter, melted and cooled
* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
* Lemon essence 

Black Layer

* 2 eggs, separated
* 30 g sugar
* 25 g flour
* 20 g starch
* 25 g cocoa
* 1 tablespoon butter, melted and cooled
* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
* Vanilla essence 

Chocolate glaze

* 100 g dark chocolate
* 2 tablespoons fresh cream

The layers are made in the same way, in a circular springform pan.
  1. Beat egg whites until firm peaks are formed.
  2. Beat the egg yolks with sugar until they become white. Add essence and oil. Mix. Add flour, starch and baking powder (cocoa for the black layer) and mix. With a spatula easily incorporate the egg whites. 
  3. Cover the base of the pan with buttered baking sheet. Bake at 180 C about 10 minutes (do the toothpick test). The layers are thin.
  4. Removed the layer from the mold and cool it on the grill.
  5. Cook the other layer. 
  6. For the mousse mix strawberries with a hand blender. Filter the thick paste through a sieve, not to be seeds. Warm strawberry juice with sugar, until it melts. Take off the heat, add gelatin and incorporate it. Allow to cool and add cream. Put in refrigerator until it hardens, but can be spread. 
  7. The cake is assembled in the form in which the layers were cooked. For this first coat with butter the form. Put the black layer. Put standing slices of strawberries around. Pour the mousse and level it. Put white layer on top. Refrigerate for 24 hours.
  8. The next day remove the springform. The black layer must be at the bottom. 
  9. To make the glaze, melt cream and chocolate in a double boiler. Homogenize the mixture. Allow to cool. Glaze the cake with it. 
  10. Decorate with some strawberries.

8 comentarii:

  1. miclescumirela4 mai 2010 la 07:55

    Sa fie sanatoasa nepoate si matusica,eu sunt cu burta mare si tot mai gasesc pe cate unulcare ar mancaaa ceva dulce,desi nu mai pot sa prestez
    Minunata arata tortul

  2. mirela, sa ai o nastere cat mai usoara si un bebic sanatos. Pai daca i-ai obisnuit cu bunatati, normal ca acum cer incontinuu :)) Mersi pentru vizita. Te pup.

  3. that is one beautiful cake!! I love the combination of flavours!
    thanks so much for sharing!

  4. e sezonul capsunilor, daca n-ar fi avut ciocolata, n-ar fi fost atat de ispititoare prajitura ta, doamne si cat de bine arata ... cred ca o sa inlocuiesc spuma de capsuni cu altfel de spuma si o voi face, mersi de idee

  5. @Chef Dennis, chocolate and strawberries is one of my favorite combination.

    @GreenGirl, imi pare bine ca ai gasit aici inspiratie

    @ All: Thanks for your nice comments

  6. oooh this looks so goood! I would love to have a bite. Thanks for sharing the recipe


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