
24 ian. 2010

Beef Bourguignon (Boeuf Bourguignon)

Scroll down for English recipe

Am gasit aceasta minunata reteta pe site-ul FXcuisine.
Dureaza cam mult, dar e tocmai buna pentru un pranz de week-end. Si de asemenea se si poate reincalzi foarte usor.

  • 1 kg carne vita mai proasta (pentru ca o sa fiarba 2 ore, iar cea foarte frageda se topeste)
  • 200 g bacon
  • 300 g ciuperci proaspete
  • 800 g ceapa mica (salote)
  • 1 lingura pasta de tomate
  • 50 g unt 
  • trei linguri de faina

  • 3 catei usturoi taiati in 4
  • 2 cepe mari taiate solzi
  • 1 morcov taiat mic
  • 4 cuisoare
  • 2 foi dafin
  • 1 lingura piper boabe negru, zdrobit putin
  • patrunjel, cimbru
  • 1 l vin rosu 
  • 1 cana brandy (de mere daca se poate)

Taie carnea cuburi si amestec-o cu legumele intr-un castron.

Pune vinul si brandy

Pune castronul acoperit cu folie alimentara la frigider si lasa peste noapte.
A doua zi scoate carnea din marinata (pe care nu o arunci!) si usuc-o bine cu servete absorbante. Pune 3 linguri de ulei intr-o cratita mare (o sa cuprinda toata mancarea) si prajeste carnea pe toate partile, pana devine maronie.

Separat strecoara marinata si incalzeste-o.
Acum se face un fel de sos Bechamel cu marinata: topeste untul si adauga amestecand faina. Toarna cate putin din marinata calda, ca sa nu se faca cocoloase.

Pune acest sos peste carne, amesteca si lasa la foc mic sa fiarba 2 ore. Mai poti pune patrunjel si cimbru, daca vrei mancarea mai aromata.

In timp ce mancarea fierbe, se prepara toppingurile.
Taie baconul betigase si prajeste-l la foc mic, pe toate partile.

Scoate-l din tigaie si in sosul lasat prajeste ceapa. Eu n-am gasit ceapa mica si am pus niste arpagic. Trebuia sa pun mai mult, dar m-am plictisit sa-l curat.

Scoate ceapa si pune ciupercile taiate felii. Caleste-le.

Pune toate toppingurile peste carne, adauga pasta de rosii, amesteca si mai lasa la fiert 30 minute.

 Serveste cu garnitura de cartofi fierti sau piure. Pofta buna! 

English version

I found this wonderful recipe on FXcuisine site.
It takes a long time, but it's just good for a weekend lunch. And it also can be reheated.


* 1 kg beef meat (a not very expensive cut)
* 200 g bacon
* 300 g fresh mushrooms
* 800 grams small onions (shallots)
* 1 tablespoon tomato paste
* 50 g butter
* Three tablespoons of flour


* 3 cloves garlic, cut into 4
* 2 large onions, chopped
* 1 small carrot, chopped
* 4 cloves
* 2 bay leaves
* 1 tablespoon black peppercorns, crushed slightly
* Parsley, thyme
* 1 l red wine
* 1 cup brandy (apple, if possible)

  • Cut meat in cubes and mix it with vegetables from marinade  in a bowl. Put the wine and brandy. Put bowl in the fridge covered with cling film and leave overnight.  
  • The next day remove meat from marinade (do not throw it!) and dry it thoroughly with absorbent towels.  
  • Put 3 tablespoons oil in a large saucepan  and fry the meat on all sides, until it becomes brown.
  • Separately strain marinade and heat it. Make a sort of bechamel sauce with the marinade: Melt butter and add flour stirring. Pour a little of hot marinade at a time, to not make lumps. Add all the liquid. 
  • Put this sauce over meat, stir and let it simmer over low heat 2 hours. You put parsley and thyme, if you want more flavorful food.  
  • While the food cooks, prepare the toppings. Cut bacon and fry it to low heat on all sides.  
  • Take it from the pan and fry onion. Remove onions and put sliced mushrooms. Cook them.  
  • Put all the meat toppings on meat add tomato paste, stir and let simmer 30 minutes. 
  • Serve with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. Bon appetite!

2 comentarii:

  1. Beef Bourguignon is a dish I absolutely love. Your version is packed full of flavour from the marinade as well as the tomato paste and mushrooms in the dish.


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