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Garam Masala poate fi tradus prin "Condimente (Masala) fierbinti (Garam)" si contine un amestec de condimente, folosit in India si pe tot subcontinentul Indian.
Acest amestec se foloseste in cantitati mici chiar inaine ca mancarea sa fie gata, sau, daca este prajit in grasime, se pune la inceput pentru a da o aroma subtila mancarurilor. Se poate folosi si pentru marinarea carnii de pui sau vita.
Garam Masala are mai multe retete, dupa regiunea in care este folosit si in functie de gustul personal. Indiferent de reteta, este foarte important sa nu se foloseasca o cantitate mare, pentru ca are o aroma foarte puternica.
Eu folosesc urmatorul amestec:
- 2 linguri seminte coriandru
- 1 lingura seminte chimion
- semintele de la 7 pastai cardamom verde
- semintele de la 3 pastai cardamom negru (optional)
- 2 lingurite seminte mustar alb (optional)
- 2 lingurite schinduf (optional)
- 2 lingurite boabe piper negru
- 1 lingurita cuisoare intregi
- 7- 8 cm scortisoara rulou ( rupt in bucatele mai mici)
Incalzeste o tigaita la foc mediu si prajeste uscat (fara grasime) condimentele, amestecand continuu ca sa nu se arda, aproximativ 30 secunde.
Acopera tigaia cand incep sa sara.
Lasa la racit si piseaza-le intr-o rasnita de cafea sau intr-o piua grea pana obtii un praf fin. Trece amestecul printr-o sita ca sa elimini bucatile mai mari.
Se poate pastra pana la 6 luni intr-un recipient inchis ermetic si la intuneric.
English version
Garam masala can be
translated as Spices (Masala) hot (Garam) and contains a mixture of
spices used in India and across the Indian subcontinent.
This mixture is used in small amounts right before the finish of the dish, or if it is fried in fat, is put at the start to give a subtle flavor. It can be use for marinating meat chicken or beef.
Garam Masala has several recipes that used by region and according to personal taste. Whatever the recipe, it's important to not use a lot, because it has a very strong flavor and can be overwhelming.
I use the following mixture:
* 2 tablespoons coriander seeds
* 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
* Seeds from 7 green cardamom pods
* Seeds from 3 black cardamom pods (optional)
* 2 tablespoons white mustard seeds (optional)
* 2 tablespoons fenugreek (optional)
* 2 teaspoons black pepper berries
* 1 tespoon whole cloves
* 7-8 cm cinnamon roll (broken into smaller pieces)
Preheat a large skillet over medium heat and dry fry (without fat) spices, stirring continuously so as not to burn, about 30 seconds.
Cover the pan when they start to jump.
Allow to cool and crush them in a coffee grinder or a mill to get a fine powder. Pass the mixture through a sieve to remove larger pieces.
It can be stored up to six months in a tightly closed container and in darkness.
* 2 teaspoons black pepper berries
* 1 tespoon whole cloves
* 7-8 cm cinnamon roll (broken into smaller pieces)
Preheat a large skillet over medium heat and dry fry (without fat) spices, stirring continuously so as not to burn, about 30 seconds.
Cover the pan when they start to jump.
Allow to cool and crush them in a coffee grinder or a mill to get a fine powder. Pass the mixture through a sieve to remove larger pieces.
It can be stored up to six months in a tightly closed container and in darkness.
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